This page last changed on Nov 16, 2005 by rossmason.

This transport provides connectivity to the IBM AS400 DQ messaging server.
The javadoc for this transport provider can be found here. And the Source Xref can be found here.

Property Description Default Required
hostname The hostname or ip address of the DQ messaging server   Yes
username The username used when creating a connection   Yes
password The password used when creating a connection   Yes
recordFormat A DQ-specific Xml descriptor that defines the field definitions of records delivered or recieved by this connector   No (can be set on the endpoint)

Defining Endpoints

A DQ endpoint must define a lirary resource as well as a Queue identifier. This can be done by either adding an explicit lib param to the URI i.e.


or by specifying it as part of the URI path i.e.


For more information about configuring Endpoints go here.

Jms Transformers

Transformers for the JMS provider can be found at org.mule.providers.dq.transformers

Transformer Description
DQMessageToXml Converts a DQ message into a simple Xml document. The Xml is in the form of a key value pair per element with a DQMessage root element. For example -
<DQMessage><entry name="greeting">hello</entry></DQMessage>
XmlToDQMessage Will convert Xml in the above format into a DQ Message whilst adhering to the recordFormat specified on the connector
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27